Day 27
Hey guys it's Kayla! Took another zero day today to rest up Daniel's feet. He is still in a lot of pain so we will probably rest again tomorrow. Other than that today was a beautiful day here in Erwin Tennessee. We walked a mile down to the hostel from our hotel this morning and met up with our good friend Bandit and finally Hungry Horse! We have missed them both! We all hung out down by the river and enjoyed the sun and company together. Dan got it the icy cold water to help soak his feet but I'm sure most of you would guess I didn't make it in! Lol when we use to have a pool at home we kept it at 90 degrees all the time so yeahhh wasn't feeling it. But it was still a great time. I was sitting on a rock and a small carp swam up to me between two rocks so I called Daniel over and he tried to catch it. Let's just say he failed to catch the carp but didn't fail to splash me lol. I'm sure that was the bigger goal anyways. After that we heading back up to the hostel to chill until the dinner shuttle left. The dinner shuttle cost us $5 to and from Walmart and an amazing Mexican place that Daniel and I have been craving for a while now. Of course we pigged out. At Walmart we bought s'mores finally thank god because I have been waiting all trip to have one. Tonight I'm hoping Daniel can teach me how to build a fire and we can have a relaxed night with Hungry Horse cooking s'mores and catching up more on our adventures. As Dan mentioned yesterday we have a couple options for the next couple of days. We hate the idea more than anything of leaving the trail but I can honestly say Dan is in a lot of pain guys. We truly appreciate all the love and support and thank you guys everyday for reading up on us. Our best option if Daniel doesn't get better in a couple of days is to come home for a couple of weeks keep him off his feet and then start a southbound trip starting in Maine working our way back down here. Like I said we are hoping for the best and are going to take it easy a couple more days if we have to. But for now we are going to head back down to river set up tent, start fire, cook s'mores, and have a wonderful night under the stars. Night everyone (hope I wrote half as good as Daniel). GET BETTER SOON DANIEL WE ARE ALL CHEERING FOR YOU. :)
Dan and K it sounds like you need to come in, rest, get well and then continue-you don't need to injury yourself beyond repair- gma and I both think this would be a wise thing to do. your blog and the pictures are priceless- love from both gma &gpa