Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 28

Well guys... After 3 days of rest in Erwin Tennessee we decided to call a ride home... We are not done! But we are heading home to take a couple of weeks off to take care of Daniel's feet. We have been told by many people what be should do to rest. And if this is a minor issue he should be better in 2 to 4 weeks hopefully. If not he will need to see a doctor and get the proper help and treatment. That means for us if he is better in a couple of weeks we will do a flip flop and start a southbound hike from Maine back down to Tennessee. We would start at the same time most of the southbounders start and be able to meet lots of good people as well as pass by the northbounders we have already met along the way. This is very hard on both of us and we are hoping for a great recovery but things do happen and you have to take life one step at a time and that's just what we will have to do. We have had an incredible journey so far and can't thank you all enough for following us through it all! Today will be one of the last blogs for a while.. We made it home this morning at 4 am. We will probably post some more pictures and a gear video of what we actually use and do everyday and we will keep everyone posted for when we take off again. It's a sad day for sure but Daniel has reminded me it's not the end of the world and we still have the opportunity to finish the AT. We made it 341.5 miles and it's all because of the love and support everyone has given us. Thank you again and I'm sure we will be back on the trail in no time :) till then I will try to post more pictures of our adventure! 


  1. Bummer guys that sucks! No Angry Orchard for you Dan! I've done some research on your foot problem Dan and you might have a parasitic invasion of Forest Fleas or there are several types of spiders that will inject you with their eggs while you sleep outdoors. You should probably mention these possibilities to your doctor when he checks you out.

  2. Sorry to hear about the foot trouble! I hope that it heals up quickly and you can both get back on the trail! I will be starting sobo on July 16th, hope to see you two out there :)
