Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 16

What's going everybody ? Thought about you guys today. We spent the night last night in city of Gatlinburg, it is a tourist mecca. We got a good deal on room and pigged out on food over last 24 hours in town . We also resupplied on food for next 4 days till we get to Hot Spring North Carolina.  We decided to get back out on trail today and not take a full day off so we started looking for a hitch around 3 . Cars and cars and cars went right on by. People we waving to us but no one was stopping. We waited for probably 30 mins to get a ride and it was a person from Ohio haha pulled up in a convertible with his wife. We hardly had any room but we didn't care it was an also ride and they were real nice . They were from new Philadelphia. They dropped us off at the trail head 15 miles away from town and we then were off again. The shelters are spaced real stupied in the smokies so we either have to do a lot of miles are hardly any and since we started around four we only did 3 today. Some people that were behind us on the trail we saw a couple days ago caught back up since we took two Nero days . Nero means near zero days and we have just been hanging out all night here having a blast. Like I said the shelters are spaced weird so our options are 12.7 or 21ish so guess we are doing 12.7. We will be out of smokies in 2 days so we won't have prob anymore. The zero and nero really help us re charge our bodies and our minds . I couldn't get over how mentally drained I been this last day. I wasn't tired but my mind was, I was having prob focusing and didn't have energy to do anything. You wouldn't think hiking all day would be mentally draining but all you do is think and over weeks I def noticed it. But all is good now , I can't say enough how special it is out here. I can't put it into words. 

But it is that time to go to bed for the night talk to you guys tomorrow 

Our view from our shelter tonight
Awesome guy trail name pudding
Alex he is from England 
My face after trying a lot of moonshine 
Long way to go lol


  1. Yoooo,
    What is your trail name. I know it's something corny! And told you to watch those bears hahaha

  2. your facial expressions are so funny! gpa and I had a good laugh. have a good day, catch you on the next hill. as always your pics are great. love you both

  3. Yeah. Definitely looking forward to the next post.
