Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 6

What's up what's up what's upppp!!!  Today was the nicest day so far! It was a ZERO day Lol that means we didn't do any hiking or have any packs on our backs. We are hanging out in a little town called hiawassee. Everyone one is super hiker friendly. We did chores today, washed all our clothes and dishes,  Dried all our gear and ate ate ate Lol we also resupplied on food for next 3 days . I will have picture posted below one pic will be mine and one pic will be Kayla's. We will see how good you guys are at knowing you can guess in the comments Lol. We decided to switch our hiking style up a little bit. Right now I feel we kinda been going to fast. Not really rushing but just overall speed. Instead we are going to try to hike longer days at a slower speed. We talked to some experienced hikers and they said it will save on our bodies not pushing the pace so much.

Another thing we haven't talked about is bugs Lol Kayla has ZEROOOO Bug bites on her. I on the other hand have prob 50 or so bites all over. Everyone gives off different smells and chemicals and bugs are attracted to some people more then others. So Kayla lucked out cause I'm a magnet for all those little buggers. There is one bug they have down here we don't have at home called noseeums no-see-ums I don't know If that's real name but that is what everyone calls them. They are a little gnat and they are meannnnn. Once they bite they are attractived to that area. On first day here we camped never a river and when I went and got water for night they lit me upppp. I will post pic below.  And I feel like they itch way worse then a mosquito too. The pic is of just my ankle it is the worse but I have bites all over legs. I wanna say again Kayla has NONE. 

We are going to get back on it tomorrow and try to hit North Carolina on second day.
I'm going to try and post pic of our guide book to show you how its broke down. Its a sweet guide book. When you look at picture there will be a lot of info. All the writing is important info like water source.  Campsites, good views to take pics,  nearby towns and miles and elevation. The swiggly line you see is our elevation you will have to look at it as if you would turn pic 90 degrees to your left.  That will show you are ups and downs for the day how many or how steep. Remember about 90 degrees to left and you will actually see mountains if you do it right.

Funny story of the day I feel asleep for a bit and I was dreaming that I was hiking on the trail and in my dream I slipped on big rock and was about to fall. Now I'm sleeping but I actually like flailing around on the bed trying to catch myself from falling in dream hahaha I woke up and just laughed haha

O and Kayla can't say handkerchief Lol its super funny and all day she slaughters it haha good stuff

But we are off to a buffet Lol back on trail tomorrow


  1. Need more chocolate!! Happy Sunday. I woke up, rolled over and this is from the bed... well I can't post, but it's a pic of a beautiful ocean. I walked 4 miles on the boardwalk. Ate ice cream, and walked back. Had to take a nap to make it to dinner. Guess I would not be a good hiker. :-)
    Have a great day. Much love! ♥
    Ma'ma Wyckoff

  2. The top is Kayla and the bottom is yours. Haha. Yeah looks like those little things like your flavor. They kept coming back for more.

  3. I think top is Daniels and bottom is Kayla's. We girls like our chocolate and Daniel LOVES his salty foods and Cheezits. This would be much easier if there was a pic with chips and french onion dip in it. LOL Bites look like maybe chigger bites. Keep them clean and try not to scratch them. Hydro-cortisone if you have some. Love you guys!
