Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 23

Good evening everyone. Another day in the books. I'm writing to you from the comfort of a roaring fire I built. This is actually the first one I built on the trail. And if I must say I am pretty impressed with it. 

Today was a weird day weather wise. We jumped on trail around 730 and we were off. Straight up that is. We went straight up for almost a mile and then we did some up downs for awhile. For the first 4 hours of the day it was in low 60s with fog everywhere.  We couldn't see more then 20ft down the the trail.  After we did the up downs for awhike . we had another climb, this one took us to the top of a mountain. This mountain top we were on was a lil different then most we come across. This one had only rocks on the top. We rocked scrambled for probably close to 1/2 mile on this mountain top ridge.  But there there was fog everywhereee so we couldn't see off this massive mountain but we could sence we we could see for miles if the fog wasn't there.  After we ridge runned for awhile we started going up down again for awhile. Then the fog turned into rain and rain and more rain Lol and of course we never go through fields but when its raining we have massive ones to cross. And if anyone knows about walking through a field when its raining your feet get soaked from all the wet tall grass.  Our feet could not have got any more wet.  We still had a long ways to go at this point in the day so we decided to push it to the next shelter and take a late lunch there and try and dry off a bit. When we arrived at shelter someone already had a fire going so cooked our lunch and at same time we dried off our socks and shoes. 

With our spirits lifted we pushed on another four miles for a total of 16 for the day and found a nice little spot to camp. In was in mood for fire so I went to work on that and here we are.

It turned out to be a b e a utiful night here.

I don't know if i told anyone one this but I wrote a list of thing I want to take from the trail. Some of them I can see in me already. 

I will share a few of them with you. One is not to judge a book by its cover and I never had a huge problem with this but I think i can improve. Out here as I told you guys there are all types of people and so far 99 percent of them have been great people. But they might not all look that way. And I don't like it in myself I write them off on looks. Out here I feel that I'm shifting into a new way of viewing people.
Another thing I wrote down was appreciate the small things we take for granted in everyday life.  I will give some examples,  like shower, toilet, refrigerator, bed and car to name a few and everyday out here I think about things like these and I am starting to see how much in took for granted all those comforts I had. When i am dirty and sweaty and have to go to bed that way and do the same thing for 3 more days before I take a shower again I really start to appreciate all the showers I took without ever thinking what it was like not to have one. Another one is refrigerator,  out here I can only carry food that can be ok at room temp. That means a lot of food I ate my entire life I don't get to have because of luxury of having refrigerator. These are some of the things I have started noticing out here.

But I have to get back to enjoying my fire.

I miss everyone talk to you tomorrow!


  1. something happened withyour blog.all of it didn't come through. hope everything is ok. love you,gma

  2. it is good to judge the soul and heart every bodys live would be better always- good to hear from the both of you-enjoy your world and all will be fine-sun out but looking for 2" rain afternoon- gpa

  3. Love the pics. I must admit. I too have been guilty of the book cover scenario. It actually goes both ways. I'm super glad you kids are experiencing this adventure.

  4. Love the pics today. Daniel it was a good thing you were there to catch that tree when it fell, that is the protective side of you, you will make a great husband and father some day. Just kidding about the tree, but the rest is very true. Love you guys!!!!

  5. Another day down and another day closer to all that Angry Orchard Dan! Oh I like your thoughts on not judging a book by it's cover but one thing you need to think about. All the people you meet on the trail are of a certain similar mind set just like all fire fighters or Medics are similar in their thought processes and mind sets in general, so most of those people you meet will be similar in actions and attitudes. Then when you get back to the real world you deal with people from all walks of life again not just a select mind set...just some food for thought. Stay safe.
